
Tuesdays Tips: Where to Find Coupons

For the first half of this post, written by Erika at Just Peachy Photography, go HERE. Then, head back over here to finish reading my portion…


Just like recipes can be found in a lot of places, so can coupons!! Here are the places I know to look and have found great success with:


Printable coupons can be found at several places, but my favorites are:




Digital Coupons are those that can be loaded onto a store’s loyalty card. Check your local store’s website to see if they have a loyalty program and how to obtain a card and start loading coupons! For those in my area, here’s a few stores:




SavingStar (this site links to several different stores’ cards for added savings!)


You will find that in the largest publication in your area is where the most and highest value coupons are. For our area, this would be the Chicago Tribune. Our local papers (area publications of the Daily Herald) also have coupons, but they do not always have as many or as high a value as those in the Tribune.

If a newspaper subscription seems a little backward for trying to SAVE money, it might be at first. Once you start getting and using the coupons effectively (with a sale!) you will find that the small price you pay for the subscription is more than taken care of by your savings with the coupons. Call up your paper and ask what the specials are. Wednesday and Sunday editions have all the coupons and sales ads. Ask if there is a special (and there usually is for new customers….around $.99 a week for our local papers) and let them know you only need Wed and Sun or just Sunday!


At the stores, you can often find “peelie” coupons directly on the products. If you see them for a great price and with a peelie, consider adding them to your list. PLEASE: DO NOT TAKE PEELIES OFF ITEMS YOU ARE NOT BUYING RIGHT THEN. That makes it very unfair for those folks who actually intend to buy them at that moment. They certainly deserve the coupon on the item they are purchasing.

Also, you can find coupons on the inside packaging of some items as a promotional thing. Those are always fun surprises for me. 🙂


Your grocery stores usually have pamphlets with store coupons or machines attached to the shelves in the aisles with blinking lights. We call these “blinkies” (real technical, I know!) and are great to grab a few and hold on to until there is a sale on the item. Unlike peelies, I think it’s ok to take them even if you don’t buy the product on that trip. 🙂


Just like with finding recipes, you can ask around for coupons. Ask relatives who get the paper and don’t use coupons. Or try a coupon exchange: get some people to pass around the coupons they don’t use but that you do! You do the same, then, passing on the ones you don’t use that maybe they will. Saves you money by not having to buy more editions of the newspaper!

I have tried and succeeded with all of these ideas. I am always looking for more, though, so please FEEL FREE TO SHARE YOUR COUPON SEARCHING IDEAS!

My one warning about obtaining coupons is buying them online. From my understanding, this is wrong. The coupons typically state on them that they are void if purchased or sold or copied or something to that effect.  So, buying them online seems like a pretty bad idea. Just my 2 cents! 🙂




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